Crafting Culinary Delights: A Charcuterie Adventure Begins!
Geist Charcuterie proudly opened its proverbial doors in February 2023; in the seven months since, business has grown to include more customized charcuterie options and an expanding menu just in time for fall.
Owned by local entrepreneur and long time Geist resident Amber Ward, the seasonal change on her business’ horizon is being met with open arms from her community.
In early August of this year, Ward participated as a vendor at a local event. In her own words, sales were “disappointing.”
She took to Geist Charcuterie social media platforms to help move her product – waste, she says, is not an option.
“It was either sell or be donated,” Ward said.
In a matter of two hours, she witnessed 50 product sales – those, paired with a few grateful giveaways, left Geist Charcuterie with not a single food item wasted.
“My Holy Cross community really stepped up – I started to notice orders coming in, across my phone screen, and it was all Holy Cross people. It made me cry. I was so thankful in that moment for that support.”
Ward is not a stranger to the love Holy Cross and its community show – she was part of the staff and community for 11 years. Leaving that “nest” in June was more difficult than Ward anticipated.
“I really struggled back and forth with the decision to stay or to go,” Ward said. “It was a pour-over-and pray kind of situation – I love Holy Cross. I also loved the idea and was excited to step out on my own with a new business venture. In the end, Geist Charcuterie won out. But on that day in August it was a beautiful reminder how two things can coexist at the same time – it was bittersweet to leave Holy Cross, and when I needed help out here doing my new business idea, they showed up and came thru for me.”
Ward has used the momentum since to continue the diligence dance that is required of launching your own company in today’s climate. She launched her online store, August 1.
Most notably, Ward secured a partnership with Moody’s Butcher Shop’s Geist location earlier this month. Customers there will be privy to a select number of charcuterie boxes that will exclusively feature Moody’s products.
“It really is a dream come true to start this collaboration with Moody’s. They are the neighborhood butcher – they carry good quality products, the staff is just amazing. They know me by name, by what I buy.”
Having grown up in the rural community of Rushville, those small town familiar friendly vibes drew Ward in as a customer – and kept her as a faithful one for the years since.
Her appreciation of the fellow small business owner pairs well with Ward’s growing assortment of charcuterie and accoutrements.
On her website, customers can easily navigate between themed charcuterie, dippy or sweet treat boxes. Orders can be made via the website; Ward asks customers to order 24 hours in advance. Boxes are made fresh to order, and can be delivered to your door. The collaboration with Moody’s also opens up a new shopping option for Geist Charcuterie customers.
When asked about the future, Ward says she is proud of what she has built so far. But she still has more she wants to do.
Written by LS Miller
“It has been a whirlwind experience. I am thankful for my people. It is my personal business venture, but it is so much more than that. It is honestly a compounded sacrifice from everyone who is in the inner circles of my life. I would not be here without the support and the love from those who have believed in me and Geist Charcuterie.”